Society & Animals

2 min readMar 31, 2021
Yongqing Bao

As society is growing and developing; technology is advancing and new studies are being conducted. Overall humans are evolving and it is interesting to realize that we are closer to 2030 than to 2010. There has been a clear indication that humans are straying away from nature. Human evolution is the evolutionary process that led to the emergence of anatomically modern humans. The evolving societies and civilizations are occurred because humans evolved first.

The situations of; climate change and the decline of wildlife species. Have brought concerns on how little the public is aware that humans are part of nature.

Animals have been a huge contribution to our society. The roles that animals part take in society can be controversial. The interaction between humans and animals is minimal. 67% of Americans own a domestic pet.

1 in 10 Americans own 1 or more exotic animals.The morality if weather a person should or should not own an exotic animal is a whole other story.

The base of this platform is to education the public on why not only domestic animals, but why wild animals are crucial to humanities survival on this planet. Now some may say, “Well why don’t schools teach this in school?”

The need for awareness in wildlife conservation is not new, but it is not being heard. With little to no environmental education in the American system, it is my own personal fear that the appreciation of nature will be non existent.

This page is about sharing stories how the interactions between animals and humans coexisting can occur. As well I will be posting stories introducing new animals or animals that are already known about, their facts and details on why their survival is crucial.

