Sociology on Communication: Cheetahs

2 min readApr 1, 2021

Learn about the similarity and differences between humans and cheetahs

Communication is such an important factor for everyday life. Without communication how would I be able to order pizza. Communication of course can come in many different ways. While most humans communicate verbally, I want to share some information on how some animals communicate.

Cheetahs are one of the large native cats in Africa. Compared to the lions, leopards, and hyenas. Cheetahs are actually a smaller cat. These predators do not roar, but meow and purr. They are not a flight or fight animal, rather prefer to avoid any confrontation.

So the birth and raising off a cheetah differs for male and female. When a female is sexually mature, they break off from their brothers and start their solitary life. Males will remain together for the rest of their life in groups called coalitions.

The communication and behavior between cheetahs is quite interesting, overall the entire social system is fascinating. Female’s will only come in connect with a male for mating. Males have more interaction and the communication is not just done verbally. They also communicate through marking. Marking a territory through urinating or by cheek and chin rubbing. This is quite similar to humans. Sociologist can describe communication through Symbolic Interactionism. This theory states the use of having meanings in symbols and letters. Humans also have nonverbal communication through body language. Interesting that 70-93 percent of human communication is mostly nonverbal. When a cheetah rubs their cheek and chin, the saliva that is secreted contains the same chemical information that urine does.

A common misconception among this predator and for any other predator. Is that they hunt for fun. Wild animals do not typically hunt for fun, this idea does create an image for a wild animal that they do not use logic and reasoning. They do, but of course it is different than humans. They are carnivores, however they actually view humans as the predators. Between hunters, poachers and the other large cats in the wild. Cheetahs have a tough time surviving. As predators they serve to keep a balance of prey population.

